IPLCricBet is happy after we went through Rohit Sharma’s moving post for Rahul Dravid. He has recently retired from the T20Is after his announcement post leading India to winning the World Cup 2024. This happened only a few hours later after the World Cup victory, where he said that he will be retiring from the shortest format of the game. And now, he is set to disclose his future plans about playing in the longer formats of the game.
Rohit Sharma Pours Out His Feelings In A Heartfelt Post Dedicated To Rahul Dravid
“Dear Rahul bhai, I have been trying to find the right words to properly express my feelings on this but I’m not sure I ever will so here’s my attempt,” Rohit wrote out his feelings in an Instagram post.
He also disclosed that his wife Ritika Sajdeh refers to Rahul Dravid as his ‘work wife’.
According to the Indian captain, “since my childhood days I have looked up to you just like billions of others but I was lucky enough to get to work with you this closely. You are an absolute stalwart of this game but you left all of your accolades and achievements at the door and walked in as our coach and came on a level where we all felt comfortable enough to say just about anything to you. That is your gift, your humility and your love for this game even after all this time. I have learnt so much from you and every memory will be cherished. My wife refers to you as my work wife and I’m lucky to get to call you that too.”
He further added in this top cricket IPL latest news, “this was the only thing missing from your arsenal and I’m so happy that we got to achieve it together. Rahul bhai it has been an absolute privilege to get to call you my confidant, my coach and my friend.”
Current news about Rohit after his retirement from T20Is
Rohit was recently interviewed in Dallas about his playing future during a recent cricket event. The player revealed that he does not think far ahead into the future, but he still has much to offer. The Indian skipper mentions it all in his own words at the event.
“I just said it. I don’t go that far ahead. So clearly, you will be seeing me play for a while.”
Rohit is the best scorer with 4231 runs in 159 games before he went out. He holds the record for the most centuries in T20 internationals, with a total of five. He has also secured two T20 World Cup victories with the first in 2007 as a player, and the latest was in 2024 as the team’s captain.
After India gained victory in the T20 World Cup this year, Both Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma announced their retirement from the T20 international games.
While Rohit will continue to lead India in the Tests and ODIs, India will be having a new captain for the shortest format of the game from now onwards. Coincidentally, the T20 World Cup final against South Africa was the last game for Rahul Dravid also, as the head coach of India. Hence, it only made sense when Rohit’s feelings spilled on Instagram for Dravid.
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